Friday 9 January 2009

New Year, New Challenges

Happy New Year!
I've decided to start the New Year by catching up on all those 'digital' jobs I've been meaning to learn how to do but have been putting off. Things like downloading my homemovies to my computer (yep, I know I haven't even done this!) and then learning how to edit them. I did at least get round to uploading my digital photos to Truprint, but stopped short of publishing these as I'm a bit wary of posting pictures of my children. I also attended the first DMEX session where Moviestorm was demonstrated to us new intakes. I had downloaded Moviestorm onto my laptop prior to the session so was hoping to get some hands-on experience. The session was very interesting but unfortunately wasn't hands on at all so playing with Moviestorm has now been added to my digital to do list.

Wednesday 17 December 2008

web 2.0

Today I had a session with the team web developer who helped answer all my web 2.0 questions and I had some pretty basic ones such as 'what is it?' He took me through various websites showing me which ones are using the technology and encouraging user generated content. We also talked about virals and creating your own channel on youtube etc. I've got a lot still to learn but at least now the thought of creating cross-platform programming doesn't sound so scary.

Tuesday 16 December 2008

Welcome to my blog

Hi I'm Lee and this is my first attempt at a blog site. I work as a freelance television producer and I'm writing this blog as part of a project called the Digital Media Exchange where people who work in the traditional media industry spend 20 days working with digital agencies or production companies. I'm assigned to Liquid Solution in Liverpool and I'll be keeping this blog to let anyone who's interested know how I'm getting on and in an attempt to learn about some of the tools at the disposal of citizen journalists.